10 Tips on How NOT to Build You Social Media Empire

Is it better to shout or whisper with social media?One of my clients, NETSHARE, is an expert in executive career management, and the company has introduced me to some of the leading experts in career transition and executive job search. One of my favorites is Randy Block, a career transition coach and consultant, who hosts NETSHARE’s Ask the Coach member support calls as well as their San Francisco regional meetings for executive job seekers. Randy recently shared some advice on social media as it relates to job search and posted it on The Obvious Expert. The result is an article outlining 10 (okay, 9) things you should NOT do in social media marketing. I am sure you will find that these points are enlightening as to what NOT to do:

1. Don’t prepare. Jump into your social media marketing without a plan. Don’t consider the objectives you want to realize or what your competitors are doing in their efforts on blogs.
2. Be first on the block – Be the first in line to try new platforms and technologies before you know if they will be effective or a waste of time.
3. Control the interview – Don’t let go or listen but dominate the conversation so it’s all about you and your needs.
4. Spill everything – Share your innermost thoughts and secrets online and hold nothing back because you want the world to see the “real” you, right?
5. Look everywhere but in the eye – There is an online equivalent of not looking the party in the eye. Don’t engage with your audience in a direct and personable (not personal) way
6. Trash your boss – Always be negative about your boss and the competition because that says so much about you.
7. When in doubt, bluff – No one checks, right? So make stuff up because the Internet doesn’t promote transparency; how will they find the truth?
8. Show desperation – Make it clear to your online followers that you are desperate for their business because it will make you so much more attractive.
9. Take notes throughout the interview – Admittedly, this one doesn’t translate well from career coaching, but the point is to pay attention to the other party, not your own agenda.
10. Don’t ask questions – As with item 3, assume this is a one-way conversation and that you know more than the other guy, so don’t ask for advice or insight.

I assume you get it. If you look at the common theme here, it’s about dialogue, and working with other social media contacts to demonstrate your value, your brand, and your insight, and to invite them to share their value, their brand, and their insights. Social media is about exchange – you show me yours and I’ll show you mine, but it’s not about showing off.

Many thanks to Randy for his insight

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